Nehemiah Response

Nehemiah Response



In Appendix I of Nehemiah Response, you will find some great resources and suggestions as you develop a team and put together a response ministry plan.

Disaster Preparedness

How to Develop a Local Church Disaster Response Ministry

In Appendix I of Nehemiah Response, you will find a section specifically designed to help churches and ministries with a disaster preparedness plan and how to develop a disaster response ministry.

If a disaster came your way, would you be prepared? Learn how to sustain yourself during an emergency and how to be ready to seize ministry opportunities that follow.

Here are important questions that we need to ask ourselves in order to begin thinking ahead like this: How likely is it that an emergency would strike in our area? What kind of disaster could there be? How can we be ready to serve and seize opportunities for ministry that would arise?

The church can respond uniquely like this in any disaster. The church is the body of Christ. Collectively, the church has within its participants the skills, talents, and spiritual gifts to meet many of the needs that arise out of a disaster.